Waste sorting

Waste sorting means sorting different types of waste from each other. When you sort your waste correctly, the material (for example, metal or plastic) can be reused to make new products. Sorting also saves the environment.
You will normally find sorting instructions next to the waste containers outside your home. You can also ask for sorting instructions from the lessor or the building maintenance company. Do not flush rubbish, food or unneeded chemicals down the toilet. Don’t throw rubbish out of the window or into the street, parks or forest. Always take hazardous waste (for example, varnishes, paints, old medicines and fluorescent lamps) to a proper collection point.
A mixed waste container and paper collection container is probably located outside your home. Many housing companies also have a container for biowaste and separate containers for glass, metal and cardboard. Take paper, metal and cardboard to their containers without a bag. There are recycling containers in different parts of Hämeenlinna to which you can take glass and metal waste if your housing company does not provide suitable recycling containers. See the www.kierratys.info location of recycling containers in Hämeenlinna.