Studying Finnish by yourself

You can also study Finnish independently, through the Internet or with the help of textbooks and CD-ROMs, for example.
There are free clubs and language cafes (kielikahvila) organized in different places around Hämeenlinna. You can also ask for advice how and where to learn Finnish Language at International Service Centre in Kastelli or you can have a look at the groups at Hämeen Setlementti or for example “Kielikahvila” at the library in Hämeenlinna.
Check out also different online options and find something suitable for yourself:
For example, the following courses are available online:
- Vanajaveden Opisto: Osaan suomea. The Vanajavesi Education Center in Hämeenlinna: videos and grammar
- Yle Kielikoulu – a service enabling you to study Finnish or Swedish by watching Yle’s media content in an application or a browser.
Download the application:Learn using the browser: Finnish:or Swedish:
- Supisuomea: vocabulary (YLE)
- Supisuomea: videos(YLE)
- Selkouutiset (YLE) – news in easy Finnish
- Osaamisenpaikka
- Suomen kielen alkeet – basics of Finnish
- Kotisuomessa
- Hauska tavata! Opin suomea. (Suomen Kustannusyhdistys). Learning the basics of Finnish in a pleasant, intuitive way. The book introduces you to everyday situations that help you learn how to greet people and introduce yourself and teaches you numbers and time expressions. Clear pattern phrases encourage speaking. There is a glossary in Finnish, Swedish, English and Arabic at the end of the book
- Suomi taskussa (Suomi Taskussa Oy). Listen and look at how to act in different situations in Finnish and start practising.
- Opi-suomea
- Opiskele suomea – Rovala
- Opiskele suomea | Kielibuusti
- Ison suomen kieliopin verkkoversio
- Ammatillisia sanastoja. Studying materials for immigrants by North Karelia Adult Education Institute.
- Valtioneuvoston kanslian eri alojen sanastoja – dictionaries of various fields
- – vocabulary for the construction field
- Dictionary of the Finnish National Agency for Education
- Suomipassi (fee-based)
- Duolingo (fee-based)
- Books available at library
- Learn Finnish Online – FinnishPod101
See InfoFinland for more Finnish language courses.