Child welfare services in Hämeenlinna

Being a client of child welfare starts, when the need for it is stated. The aim is to promote the child’s positive development and to support parenthood. The child welfare works in cooperation with the child and the family and it is based on a client plan drawn up together with the family.
What kind of support is available?
- The most common form of support is family work.
- Child welfare can support the child and the family financially and in other ways, for example by supporting the child’s recreation.
- Child welfare supports families’ holidays and recreation.
- The whole family can participate in family assessment or family rehabilitation.
- A child can get a support person, who meets with the child according to a plan.
- A child can get a support family, where he/she can spend usually one weekend per month.
Other forms of support
- Child welfare can refer child and the family to the scope of other services.
- Child welfare can place the child in family care or institutional care upon agreement of all parties.
- Taking into care is the last option of child welfare. The decision on taking into care is done by the leading social worker (if all parties agree to this) or upon request the administrative court (involuntary).
More information on child welfare in Hämeenlinna.
Read more on website ( – Information on child welfare