Basic education

All children and young people living permanently in Finland must go to school, that is, they have the right and the duty to receive basic education. Compulsory education is provided by law. Teachers are highly educated and the teaching is of high quality in all schools.
The compulsory schooling starts the year when the child reaches the age of 7. Pre-primary education from the age of 6 is part of the compulsory schooling. Preschool education takes place either in daycare centers or at schools.
In Finland, children and young people usually complete their compulsory education at a comprehensive school. It consists of primary education and lower secondary education. Primary education refers to grades 1 to 6 and lower secondary education to grades 7 to 9.
Comprehensive school education usually takes 9 years: the school begins in year 1 and ends in year 9.
Basic education is free.
When a child moves to Finland from abroad, he or she can start school in a preparatory class for immigrant children.
The official messaging channel between home and schools in Hämeenlinna is called Wilma. You can log into Wilma at, or by using the Wilma app.
Schools in Hämeenlinna also use cloud desktop called Airo in pre-school and basic education.
Basic education– Hämeenlinna ( in Finnish
Comprehensive education – InfoFinland
Ministry of Education and Culture: Basic education Finnish | Swedish | English
Finnish National Agency for Education: Basic education Finnish | Swedish | English | Ukrainian