Foreign degrees in Finland

Even if you have completed a higher education degree in another country, it may be different from that taken in Finland.
In Finland, the Finnish National Agency for Education will compare the degrees.
If you want to apply for job that requires a university degree, your degree must be approved by the Finnish National Agency for Education. It will decide whether the degree completed abroad provides the necessary competence for a job that requires a degree of a certain level in Finland.
Recognition of the level of a foreign higher education degree – Finnish National Agency for Education
The Finnish National Agency for Education will also decide whether the degree completed abroad provides the competence for a job requiring specific training in Finland.
Recognition of foreign qualifications in Finland – Finnish National Agency for Education
The Finnish National Agency for Education can provide an opinion on a vocational qualification completed abroad.
Advisory statements on vocational qualifications completed abroad – Finnish National Agency for Education
- Finnish National Agency for Education: Recognition and international comparability of qualifications Finnish | Swedish | English
- Finnish National Agency for Education: Brochure on the recognition of a degree (pdf) Finnish | Swedish | English | Russian | Estonian | French | Spanish | Chinese | Persian | Arabic | Portuguese
- Finnish National Agency for Education: Diagram on the recognition of a degree (pdf) Finnish | Swedish | English
- Finnish National Agency for Education: Service price list Finnish | Swedish | English
In Finland, Valvira authorises healthcare professionals. Valvira is the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health.
In order to get permission to work as a healthcare professional, you need to fill in an application.