Day care centers in Hämeenlinna

In Hämeenlinna there are:
- municipal day care centers
- private day care centers
- family day care
Day care centers are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Shifts between 5.30 a.m. and 10.30 p.m. are available in Iittala, Kutala andLammi day care centers. 24 hour a day child care is available in Kutala day care center.
More information and map of municipal day care centers.
If you have a municipality of residence in Finland, you can apply for a place in municipal early childhood education for your child after the period of parental leave. At that point, the child will be approximately nine months old. If you do not have an official municipality of residence in Finland, you are considered a resident of the municipality in which you reside.
The different forms of private early childhood education include private day care centres or private group family day care centres, family day care providers or day care given by a child carer hired by the family to work at their home.
Family day care involves a care provider looking after the children in his or her own home.
Source: InfoFinland