Integration Path for International Mothers

Within the Integration Path for International Mothers you can find interesting groups for mothers and children. You can participate in Finnish lessons, lessons that give information about Finnish society and family clubs where you can meet other mothers, spend a pleasant time and hear about services provided for families.
Advisor in family matters
An advisor in family matters, Emma Nurmi-Matongo (Integration Services in Hämeenlinna) helps in family matters such as filling in applications to schools or early education or using the Wilma or Daisy services.
Tuesdays 13:00-15:30.
Kastelli, Wetterhoffinakatu 2.
Emma Nurmi-Matongo, tel. 040 084 4901
Finnish language learning for mothers.
Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:00-12:00.
Kumppanuustalo, address: Kirjastokatu 1., room nr 205.
Child care in room nr 109. ( first 7 kids can join in the order of arrival).
A meeting place for families in Hämeenlinna.
Kumppanuustalo, Kirjastokatu 1. room nr 109.
More info: Jenni Tokpanou, tel. 050 374 2433