Paying bills

There are several ways to pay your bills, for example online with your banking user identifiers, using a bank transfer form or with cash.
How to open a bank account?
You can open a bank account only if you have a passport, foreign ID card or other official identification document. The bank has its own rules on the types of documents it accepts. If the bank does not accept your document, you will not be able to get a bank account. Then you will have to pay bills with cash for the time being.
There are several banks in Finland and Hämeenlinna where you can open a bank account.
How to get online banking user identifiers?
Online banking is the cheapest way to pay bill from a bank account in Finland.
You can get online banking codes only if your bank can reliably verify your identity. That’s why you may have to wait for the codes for a long time, up to a year. Unfortunately, you cannot do anything yourself to speed up the process.
What to do if you do not have the money to pay a bill?
If you do not have the money to pay a bill, call the customer service of the company that sent you the bill. Ask you to pay later when you receive money. Arrange with the company the date on which you will pay the invoice.
If you do not arrange the payment date with the company, the bill will be transferred to a debt collection agency. The agency will add its own service fee to your bill. It can be several dozen euros.
If you have not paid a bill by its due date, you will receive a reminder bill. After one or two reminders, the bill may transfer to a collection agency. The collection agency will send you a demand for payment. If you are unable to pay the bill immediately, contact the collection agency and arrange a payment plan for the bill.
If you do not pay the bill or arrange a payment plan, the debt may finally go into enforcement (ulosotto). Enforcement means that the authority will have the right to take some of your income to pay your debt. The enforcement authority can also sell your valuable possessions in order to pay the debt.
A decision of the district court is often required for enforcement. However, some payments go into enforcement immediately. Such payments include taxes, health centre fees and day-care fees, for example.
Source: Info Finland
Non-payment record
If you do not pay a bill or debt, you may get a non-payment record (maksuhäiriömerkintä) in the credit information register. It causes many difficulties. Landlords and banks often check your credit information in the register. If you have a non-payment record, you may not get a rental dwelling, bank loan or credit card. An employer may also demand that their employee not have any non-payment records.
Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority Information on the non-payment record
National Enforcement Authority Finland Information on recovery proceedings
Good to remember
Advice and guidance
Source: Takuusäätiö