The clubs are meant for first and second graders as well as for pupils with special education needs. It is possible to apply for a place in a club throughout the school year, but it might take a while before the kid can join the club.
Please fill in the application through the electronic Wilma service: “Hakemukset ja päätökset”(online form in Finnish). If you can’t fill in the application through the Wilma service, you can fill in the paper application (in Finnish) and return it at the address:
Hämeenlinnan kaupunki, Opetuspalvelut / APIP, Wetterhoffinkatu 2, 13100 Hämeenlinna
or by email: laura.waulu(at)hameenlinna.fi
Application for morning and after-school club 2024-2025 (printable pdf, in Finnish)
More information about applying for the place in a club – hameenlinna.fi (in Finnish)