
You can get Kela benefits when you live in Finland permanently. For example, you may have a job in Finland or have moved to Finland for family reasons.
If you are waiting for asylum or a residence permit, you are not yet a permanent resident in Finland. Therefore, you will not receive Kela benefits.
You can apply for Kela benefits using a form. Fill in the right form depending on your situation. For Kela forms, see here (in Finnish) or here (in English).
You can also book an appointment with a Kela office or a call centre customer service. The office will look at your situation and you can fill in the forms there with their help. If you need, ask for an interpreter. You can find contact details to Kela at the bottom of this page.
Once you get your online banking user identifiers, you can handle Kela matters on the internet.
If you get a job, please report it to Kela. You may no longer need Kela benefits.
address: Rauhankatu 1, 13100 Hämeenlinna
opening hours: Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
For more information and exceptions to opening hours please see: Visit Kela | Our Services | Kela
Interpretation at KELA : Do you need an interpreter? | Our Services | Kela
Housing benefits
Kela grants housing allowance to a household, that is, all the people sharing a home. So a household may not mean the same as a family. If a friend moves in with you, he or she will become a member of your household. Then you will get less housing allowance.
In general, Kela grants housing allowance in advance for the coming year. If your situation changes during the year, please inform Kela immediately.
Kela can pay the housing allowance to your account or directly to the account of the person who owns your home. Homeowners often ask that the housing allowance will go to their account. Then the money goes directly to the payment of the rent.
Quick online guide to housing benefits (in English)
Family benefits
If you are about to have a new baby in your family, contact Kela. Before your child is born find out what benefit your family can get from Kela.
Families | Our Services | Kela (in English)
Student financial aid
School transport subsidy
Support during illness
Unemployment benefits
Social assistance (Income support)
Who can get social assistance? If all your income and assets do not cover your essential daily expenses, such as housing, food, medical care and clothing, you can apply for basic social assistance from Kela. Other social security benefits are counted as income. Before applying for basic social assistance you must first consider all other sources of income that could be available to you, and find out if you are entitled to social security benefits such as unemployment or housing allowances. First apply for all other benefits to which you are entitled.
If needed, when you have other unexpected expenses, you can also apply for supplementary or preventive (täydentävä ja ehkäisevä toimeentulotuki) income support at your local social services. However, in order to receive supplementary income support, you must first receive a positive decision on Kela’s social assistance. Ask your local social services for more information.
You can apply for social assistance via Kela’s e-service at (in Finnish) or (in Swedish). If you find it difficult to use the e-service, you can get advice on how to use it at one of Kela’s customer service points. You can also apply for social assistance on a paper form or even by phone. Our address is Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.
Remember to enclose all necessary documentation!
Most common documentation:
- bank statements
- electricity bill
- home insurance bill
- public health bills
If you apply for the first time, you need to attach bank statements from the previous 2 months.
When you submit an application, Kela will process it within seven working days. If your application is urgent, you will receive a decision no later than on the following working day. If your application is incomplete, Kela will send you a clarification request. This will prolong the processing time until you submit the required information. If you fail to submit the required documents during the given time, Kela will process the application without the documents.
You will receive the decision in writing.
If you are not satisfied with the decision, you can appeal. The decision explains how you can appeal.
More information on social assistance:
Social assistance in brief – brochure (pdf)
Social assistance – Kela website
Social assistance – Kela’s brochure in easy Finnish (pdf)
Kela – in easy Finnish