Community grant

You can apply for financial assistance for activities organized in the city of Hämeenlinna from the unit promoting integration.
The applicant can be an association or an informal group.
As a rule, the grant is for immigrants’ own events and occasions, or for such projects which involve immigrants and which promote social inclusion and good relations between population groups.
The idea of the grant is to support small-form activities that promote good relations of population groups in the area.
- to promote integration into Hämeenlinna and Finnish society
- to promote tolerance and prevent racism
- to promote joint activities of immigrants and Finns
- to support immigrants’ cultures
- to support immigrants’ own activities
Note! Grants are not offered for such cultural, association or hobby activities for which priority grant procedure is available. These are for example city grants to associations.
Applying for the grant
Before the event:
- written application (separate application form);
- the application must include the name of the event and its purpose;
- the sum of money applied for;
- the cost plan (income, expenses and own contribution specified);
- contact information of the person in charge;
- bank details and account number for grant payment;
- a preliminary application must be submitted in advance, at the stage of planning an event or activity;
- after having provided the above-mentioned information, you will receive a preliminary decision;
If applied for after the event has taken place:
- fill in the application (available at International Service Centre, Kastelli)
- attach all the receipts
- attach the report of the event or activity
- You can apply for a grant at any time of the year;
- Processing of the application and payment of the grant takes at least three weeks;
- The grant covers only a part of the costs. The application must indicate the amount of costs that will be covered by the applicant or persons involved.
- After the event or activity has taken place, write a report and attach all the receipts.
- Grant applicants are fully responsible for the planning and implementation of the activities.
- If needed, the International Service Centre of the City of Hämeenlinna can provide support and advice. For contact information see: International Service Centre in Kastelli – MyIntegration
Send the application to:
Hämeenlinnan kaupunki, Kotoutumisen edistämisen palvelut, address: Wetterhoffinkatu 2 13100 Hämeenlinna
Write on the envelope: “Yhteisöavustus” (community grant)
The application can also be sent via email: kansainvalineninfo@hameenlinna.fior handed over in International Service Centre in Kastelli.