Integration in Hämeenlinna

Hämeenlinna is a charming and peaceful city with a population of approximately 68,000 people.
Hämeenlinna is one of the safest cities in Finland.
People move to Hämeenlinna to study, work, to live with a loved one, through family reunification, and as refugees.
The share of foreign-language speakers in Hämeenlinna is 6,8%, and the most commonly spoken foreign languages are Estonian, Russian, Arabic, Polish, Ukrainian and Sinhala (in 2023).
Hämeenlinna is easy to get around by bus, train or bicycle.
Hämeenlinna also has high-quality schools for children and young people, as well as a wide range of jobs and study opportunities.
Social and health care services are close to you, what is more there is a central hospital in Hämeenlinna, too.
If you need help with your daily matters as a migrant, you can find a lot of useful information on our multilingual website . You can also visit the Residents’ Service Point Kastelli located next to the bus station or a library. Both Kastelli and libraries are city service points.
The Hämeenlinna integration programme for 2021–2025 was approved by the City Council in May 2021.
- Multilingual advice service for immigrants: International Service Centre in Kastelli – MyIntegration
- Work & Learn: Mentoring Program– MyIntegration
- Initial assessments and integration plans in accordance with the Integration Act: Guidance service to promote integration – MyIntegration
- Towards the New – project to support young people: Towards the New: Hämeenlinna City promotes well-being of young people – MyIntegration