Information for people arriving from Ukraine

updated: 2.7.2024
Information in Ukrainian / Russian | Information in Finnish
InfoFinland in Ukrainian: Ваш гід по Фінляндії ( or Russian: Ваш гид по Финляндии (
Welcome to Finland-guide in Ukrainian: Ласкаво просимо у Фінляндію ( or in Russian: Добро пожаловать в Финляндию (
The City of Hämeenlinna informs:
Immigration information
address: Kastelli (Residents Service Point), Wetterhoffinkatu 2.
open on weekdays, from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm.
See the Immigration Info page to find what laguages it offers and when.
Municipality of residence
In Hämeenlinna, the police station is located at the address: Hattelmalantie 2. The opening hours are from 8 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. Police contact details for asylum seekers – Police (
The application is free of charge. The police will give further information on the application.
Contact information for the reception center in Hämeenlinna: Reception centers in Häme district | RedNet (
The reception center in Hämeenlinna is maintained by the Finnish Red Cross. The Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) is responsible for services for asylum seekers.
For other people living in Hämeenlinna, the health services in urgent situations are organized by the Kanta-Häme Central Hospital, and the social services by social service counseling (during the office hours) or by emergency social services (outside the office hours).
In a life-threatening situation, call the emergency number 112. The website of the Emergency Center has information in different languages about calling the emergency number.
Preparatory classes at schools
During the education the meals at school are free and the student has the right to student health care.
Official releases:
Finnish government (valtioneuvosto)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland
Finnish National Agency for Education (OPH)
Finnish Immigration Service (Migri)
Municipality of residence in Finland ( | Подання заявки на постійну прописку в муніципалітеті проживання (kotikunta) (
Services of a Municipality of Residence | Maahanmuuttovirasto ( | Munitsypalitet posluhy | Maahanmuuttovirasto (
Frequently asked questions about Russia’s attack on Ukraine | Maahanmuuttovirasto ( | Титульна сторінка сайту | Maahanmuuttovirasto (
TE-services (work related services)
You don’t need a home municipality registration to become a customer of the TE office.
You can register as a customer of the TE-office immediately after receiving the permit.
More information in Finnish or Ukrainian:
How the war in Ukraine affects the benefits available from Kela
Информация о влиянии войны в Украине на пособия Kela (in Russian)
Информация о влиянии войны в Украине на пособия Kela (in Ukrainian)