Finnish customs

This page contains information on Finnish customs. More information on Finnish work culture is available here Finnish work culture.
Finnish values
Equality and fairness are important values for Finns. In Finnish society, everyone is equal and must be treated fairly. Information on equality and non-discrimination is available here Equality and non-discrimination.
According to the Finnish legislation, women and men are equal. It is common for Finnish women to work even if they have children. Men and women are both responsible for the care of the children and the home.
It is common for Finns to trust other people and the authorities. Democracy and freedom of speech are also held in high regard in Finland. Everyone has the right to participate in the activities of society. There is freedom of speech in Finland.
Finnish culture places more value on individualism than many other cultures. Freedom of the individual is strongly present in the Finnish legislation.
Own space
Finns also value their privacy and own space. For example, young people are encouraged to become independent and move into their own homes.
Honesty and punctuality
Honesty is appreciated in Finland. It is important to keep your promises and tell the truth. Also punctuality is important to Finns. When you have a meeting, arrive at the agreed time. If you have made an appointment with an official or doctor, for example, it is especially important to be there on time. For example, if you have made an appointment for 12 o’clock, make sure you arrive a little before 12. If you arrive at 12.10, you are late.
Many Finns esteem modesty highly. People tend not to distinguish themselves in a group; they avoid talking in a loud voice and bragging. In Finland, it is good manners to take others into account and listen to them. Working and diligence are also held in high regard.
Nature is very important to Finns. Many Finns enjoy spending time in nature, for example by camping or picking berries. Everyman’s rights (jokamiehenoikeudet) are observed in Finland. According to them, people have free access rights in nature, and do not need the landowner’s permission for all outdoor activities. Read more about everyman’s rights here Recreation and travel in nature.
Source: InfoFinland