Pre-primary education

According to the law, children must attend pre-primary education or other similar activities for one year before compulsory education begins.
Pre-primary education (esiopetus) prepares children for comprehensive school. Children normally enter pre-primary education at the age of six and comprehensive school at the age of seven.
Pre-primary education is provided in day care centres and primary schools. Pre-primaryeducation starts and ends at the same time as the school year. Parents normally enrol their children in pre-primaryeducation in January or February.
More information: Pre-primary education – InfoFinland
Pre-primary education in Hämeenlinna
Pre-primary education in the Hämeenlinna City area is organized in day care centers and in schools.
You can check the location of the Häme-municipal pre-primary education places on the city website.
Enrolling in pre-primary education
Online application: Application for pre-primary education (in Finnish)
If you don’t have bank codes and/or need help with filling in the application, visit International Service Centre or International Family Guidance Service.
More information: Asioi sähköisesti – Hämeenlinna (
Transport services in preschool
Application and criteria (in Finnish).