Preparatory classes, Finnish as a second language, religion classes

Preparatory education is for children who have just moved to Finland. In preparatory education, the focus is on learning Finnish. Preparatory education lasts about a year, after which the pupil moves to a basic education class. In preparatory education, it is possible to study basic education subjects according to the pupil’s individual needs. The school has free school meals and the pupil is entitled to student welfare. Oma Häme is responsible for student welfare services.
Please note that the place of study for preparatory education often cannot be given at the school closest to the place of residence. School transport is arranged by bus for pupils whose distance to school is more than 3 km (1st-2nd graders) or 5 km (3rd-9th graders). Learn more about school transportation.
In Hämeenlinna, the preparatory classes are organized in:
- Jukola school (1.−6. grades)
- Luolajan school (1.−6. grade)
- Miemala school (1.−6. grades)
- Seminaari school (1.−6. grades)
- Lyseo school (7.−9. grades)
- Hämeenlinnan yhteiskoulu, Rinnetie 53 (7.−9. grades)
- Hämeenlinnan yhteiskoulu, Tuomelan yksikkö (1.−6. grades)
- Saaristen school (severely disabled students)
- online application form (in Finnish, opens in a new window)
- English application form (opens in new window)
- paper application form is available at the City Service Point.
Finnish as a second language (S2) is for students whose native language is not Finnish. It is suitable for immigrants, returnees, adoptees and children from bilingual families. The teachers assess the pupil’s need for S2 teaching, and the guardian makes the final decision on the syllabus. Even if the mother tongue in the population register is Finnish, some pupils may still need S2 education.
In school, all children have the right to receive education in their own religion or in ethics. Education in a particular religion must be arranged when a municipality contains at least three children of that religion.
In Hämeenlinna, in school year 2024-2025 , apart from Evangelical Lutheran and Orthodox religions and ethics, there are also Islam and Catholic religion classes.
Multicultural education – Hämeenlinna (
School year and holidays – Hämeenlinna (hä
Finnish as second language | Finnish National Agency for Education (
Comprehensive education – InfoFinland
Ministry of Education and Culture: Information on basic education Finnish | Swedish | English
Finnish National Agency for Education: Information on basic education Finnish | Swedish | English