Buses and trains

Buses operated in Hämeenlinna
Timetables and routes
Timetables and route maps for buses operated in the Hämeenlinna region (for example, Hämeenlinna, Hattula and Janakkala).
The departure points, lines and stops of buses operated in Hämeenlinna, see: reittiopas.hameenlinna.fi .
Bus tickets
You can travel on buses operated in the Hämeenlinna region with a single ticket, a value ticket or a season ticket.
Tickets and how to buy a ticket.
Hämeenlinna bus station
Hämeenlinna bus station is a junction for buses operated in the Hämeenlinna region and running to other cities. The bus station has a Matkahuolto travel service point, which sells tickets and travel cards for buses that run to other cities.
Hämeenlinna bus station
Eteläkatu 1
Buses to other cities
Time timetables, routes and ticket prices for buses to Helsinki or Tampere, for example:
You can also ask for bus timetables, routes and ticket prices by phone from Matkahuolto customer service or from Onnibus customer service.
Trains run from Hämeenlinna in the directions of Helsinki and Tampere. You can also travel by train to other cities in Finland via intermediate stations.
See the VR website for the schedules, routes and ticket prices of trains arriving at and departing from Hämeenlinna, and for other information on how to travel by train.
The timetables for trains to and from Hämeenlinna: vr.fi website.
You can also ask for train timetables, routes and ticket prices by phone at VR’s customer service, contact information.
Hämeenlinna railway station
Hämeenlinna railway station
Hämeentie 16
The station hall is open every day from 5.15 a.m. to 0.10 a.m. There is a ticket vending machine in the hall from which you can buy train tickets. There are also two ticket vending machines outside the railway station.
Hämeenlinna railway station – VR
You can take a taxi from waiting areas reserved for taxis in different parts of the city, in front of the bus station and the railway station, for example.
You can also book a taxi from the dispatch centre, taxihame.fi – contact information.