when: on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., from 1st November to 11th December (except for 6.12. – the service is closed)
where: PARKKI Business Park
address: Raatihuoneenkatu 21–23, Hämeenlinna
You can come and ask questions about employment opportunities. Employment coaches are there for you, as well as, if only possible, other services’ representatives such as TE-Office, Kela or educational institutions.
The service is intended for people over 30 years old.
For people up to 30 years of age, there’s Ohjaamo-service.
More information (in Finnish): TyöParkki palvelee työllisyyteen liittyvissä asioissa keskiviikkoisin – Hämeenlinna (hameenlinna.fi) (TyöParkki on employment-related matters on Wednesdays)