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Dear Customer, we are renewing our services starting May.
To better support you in your job search and provide you with the right services, you will meet your expert more frequently in the future.
In connection with the reform, waiting periods without compensation will also be reduced.
The next time you need to update your employment plan (e.g. if there is a change in your job search), your own responsible expert will agree with you on the number of jobs you need to apply for (max. four per month). You may select the jobs you want to apply for.
Changes are also taking place in our service channels.
From May onwards, the content and services of our national te-palvelut.fi website will become part of Job Market Finland. There you can find all the familiar services (in Finnish) such as E-Services, vacancies, training search and links to the services of local TE Offices.
Remember to always notify us of any changes related to your job search through E-services.
You can familiarise yourself with the new job search model on our website: The services of jobseeker will change from May 2022 – TE-Palvelut