Welcome to Hämeenlinna!

Hämeenlinna is a charming and peaceful city with a population of approximately 68,000 people. There is plenty to explore as you get to know your new home town. Hämeenlinna is one of the safest cities in Finland.
Hämeenlinna has excellent services. Getting around by bus, train or bicycle is easy. Hämeenlinna also has a number of good schools for children and adolescents, as well as a wide range of work and educational opportunities. Social welfare and health care services are provided locally, and the city also has its own central hospital.
More information about everyday life in Finland is available online at www.myintegration.fi and from the Kastelli Service Point by the bus station as well as from libraries with a citizens’ advice desk. I wish you and your family all the best in Hämeenlinna!
Olli-Poika Parviainen
Welcome to your new home town
Rental housing is provided by the City of Hämeenlinna as well as through private letting agents. Rental housing – Hämeenlinna (hameenlinna.fi) | Where can you find a flat? (myintegration.fi)
- Make sure that you get a written tenancy agreement.
- You will need to pay a security deposit, which is usually the equivalent of between one and three months’ rent.
- Register your new address on the website of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
- Find yourself an electricity supplier and sign a contract with them.
- Remember to get home insurance.
- If you have a low income, you may be entitled to a general housing allowance from Kela.
More information: Rental home (infofinland.fi)
Digital and Population Data Services Agency
The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will register your address and give you a personal identity code. You will need your personal identity code for dealing with the authorities as well as to open a bank account or sign up to a phone contract. You can also apply for a municipality of residence on the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s website.
Digital and Population Data Services Agency tel. +358 (0)29 553 6320, Wähäjärvenkatu 6, international@dvv.fi
More information: Individuals | Digital and population data services agency (dvv.fi)
Once your details have been entered into the Population Information System, and as long as you have proof of identity (identity card or passport), you can visit your local bank and open an account with access to online banking.
You can use online banking to pay bills and manage your account. Your online banking credentials will also give you access to other digital services.
More information: Paying bills (myintegration.fi)
Social Insurance Institution of Finland (‘Kela’)
Once you have been given a municipality of residence, you will no longer be eligible for the reception allowance. However, you can apply for various kinds of benefits from Kela, such as child benefit and housing allowance. Kela can also grant you basic social assistance if you need financial support.
Kela (tel. +358 (0)20 634 0200, Rauhankatu 1) Our Services | Kela
Working and studying
The Häme public employment and business services office (‘TE Office’) is open between 9 am and 4 pm every day from Monday to Friday (tel. +358 (0)29 502 5500, Vanainkatu 1).
Documents can be delivered to the TE Office mailbox in person or sent by secure email at turvaviesti.te-toimisto.fi.
More information: Finding work, employment and self-employment (myintegration.fi)
Social welfare and health care services
Local health centres see patients between 8 am and 4 pm from Monday to Friday. You will need to book an appointment, however. To register as a patient, send a text message to your local health centre and tell them what your native language is.
Phone number for service counselling: +358 40 646 3733
Calls are answered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 to 12. The number is unavailable during mid-week holidays.
Information in English – OmaHäme (omahame.fi)
There is an accident and emergency department at the Kanta-Häme Central Hospital (tel. 116 117, Ahvenistontie 20). Emergency care in Hämeenlinna | khshp.fi
The local Kela office has a social services help desk, which provides advice from Monday to Friday (tel. +358 (0)3 621 3303, Rauhankatu 1).
Emergency number: 112
Early childhood education and school
Children start preschool at the age of six years and go to school at the age of seven years. When your child is due to start school, and assuming that your child does not speak fluent Finnish, you will need to enrol them in preparatory education.
You can apply for a place for your child online or fill in an application form at the Kastelli Service Point (Wetterhoffinkatu 2, open between 9 am and 4 pm from Monday to Friday).
If your child is under six years old and you need child care while you work, you can fill in an application for day care online or at the Kastelli Service Point.
Applying for early education (myintegration.fi)
Entertainment and leisure
Hämeenlinna is home to a wide range of cultural attractions and sporting facilities. The Kumppanuustalo community centre runs Finnish language classes and a variety of clubs. The ARX Cultural Centre organises activities for children and families. There are libraries all over Hämeenlinna where you can borrow books, music, films and magazines free of charge.
Leisure time in Hämeenlinna (myintegration.fi)
Immigration Info
Hämeenlinna’s Immigration Info is open at the Kastelli Service Point (Wetterhoffinkatu 2). The desk is manned by multilingual advisors between 10 am and 12 pm and between 1 pm and 4 pm from Monday to Friday.
The competent authority in immigration affairs in Finland is the Finnish Immigration Service (migri.fi).
Basic information about Hämeenlinna myintegration.fi (Finnish, English, Somali, Arabic, Russian)