Free clubs for everyone in Kumppanuustalo (Kirjastokatu 1, Hämeenlinna) and in Turenki.
Groups in Hämeenlinna:
- Tuesday and Thursday at 10-12 Suomen kielen alkeet (Basics of Finnish language) -group in Kumppanuustalo 2nd floor, room 205 (from 31.8.)
- Tuesday and Thursday at 12.30-14 Luovasti suomea (Finnish though games, crafts, music and other)– new group in Kumppanuustalo 1st floor, room 109 (from 31.8.)
- Wednesday at 13-15 Äiti ja lapset (Mother and children)– new group in Kumppanuustalo 1st floor, room 109 (from 1.9.)
- Friday at 9.30-12.30 Mama’s Café-family café in Kumppanuustalo 1s floor, room 109 (from 6.8)
Group in Turenki:
- Wednesday at 10-12 Suomen kielen alkeet (Basics of Finnish language). Address: Tapailanpiha 13, C-building, (main entrance to health center),Turenki (from 1.9.)
Online groups:
- Monday at 13-15 Kokkaa kanssani (Cook with me) – group for women (from 16.8) Click here to join the meeting
- Thursday at 12.30-13.30 Chat Club-discussion group (from 5.8.) Click here to join the meeting
Read more about the clubs: Free clubs and meeting places (MyIntegration.fi)
Printable schedule in Finnish – SUOMEN KIELEN KERHOT JA PÄIVYSTYS, SYKSY 2021 (pdf, non accessible)
More information : Jenni Tokpanou 050 374 2433, jenni.tokpanou@hameensetlementti.fi
Aino Ülüs 050 477 6064, aino.ulus@hameensetlementti.fi