Multicultural club
Club for multicultural families with children to spend time together sharing experiences, playing and singing.
The club meets every second Tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00. The exact dates are: 11.1., 25.1., 8.2., 22.2., 8.3., 22.3., 5.4., 19.4., 3.5., 3.5., 17.5. and 31.5.
Meetings are at the Goodman Shopping Center in the “G-nurkka” place (entrance at Kaivokatu street)
No registration, you can just drop in.
Printable info in Finnish (pdf)
Evening clubhouse – Iltaparkki
You can leave your child in the evening clubhouse and do your errands or just relax. Your child will stay under the clubhouse staff’s care. The clubhouse is free of charge and for children from the age of 1-year-old to first graders and if you are not a customer of services for families with children.
The clubhouse is open on Wednesdays (12.1.-18.5.2022), from 17:00 to 19:00. Address: Uppis Family Center, Birger Jaarlin katu 33.
You need to book your time in advance by calling the number 050 350 2432 on Tuesday, 9:00 – 11:00 and on Thursdays, 12:00 – 14:00.