
Equality between men and women
According to Finnish law, men and women have the same rights. Married women also have the same rights as men.
In Finland, it is common that women also work even though they have children. The responsibility for taking care of children and the home belongs to both women and men. Women do not need permission to work or study from their spouse or parents.
Women and men can decide whom they marry. A forced marriage is a crime in Finland. For example, parents do not have the right to force or pressure their child to marry. Both women and men are entitled to file for a divorce. A divorce can also be granted without the consent of the other spouse.
Violence is always a crime in Finland. Violence that occurs in a family and a relationship, such as physical and sexual violence, is always a crime.
Equality in working life
Women and men must be treated in the same way in working life. Discrimination on the basis of gender is prohibited. This means, for example, that a higher salary must not be paid to a man compared to a woman on the basis of gender, or a woman employee cannot be discharged because she is pregnant.
The Act on Equality between Women and Men prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender. An Equality Ombudsman (tasa-arvovaltuutettu) is an authority that monitors that the Act on Equality between Women and Men is observed. If you suspect that you have been discriminated against in working life due to gender, you can contact the Equality Ombudsman or your trade union.
Equality and equal opportunities in working life – InfoFinland
The Ombudsman for Equality’s office:
Information about equal opportunities in working life: Finnish | Swedish | English | Russian | Estonian | Somali | Arabic | Sami
Source: InfoFinland
Video: The Ombudsman For Equality at Your Service: