In Hämeenlinna schools, students in grades 1-2 and special education students in grades 3-9 can participate in morning and after-school clubs. Clubs are held on school days from 7 AM to 5 PM in the school facilities.
You must apply in advance for a place in the morning and after-school clubs, and there is a fee. Please fill in the application through the Wilma service under “Hakemukset ja päätökset” (online form only in Finnish). If you can’t fill in the application through the Wilma service, you can fill in the paper application below and return it at the address:
Hämeenlinnan kaupunki, Opetuspalvelut / APIP, Wetterhoffinkatu 2, 13100 Hämeenlinna or by email laura.waulu@hameenlinna.fi
Application for the morning and after-school clubs for the school year 2025-2026 (printable)