Hämeenlinna, Finland – Katuma Daycare, located in Hämeenlinna, accommodates approximately 50 children. The daycare consists of three groups and ten staff members. Interestingly, every third child at this daycare speaks a language other than Finnish or Swedish. The most common languages spoken are Arabic and Ukrainian.
At Katuma Daycare, communication is facilitated through visual cards and clear speech. When necessary, communication with parents is also possible in English.
Playtime serves as the universal language for children. Whether it’s playing, assembling puzzles, or kicking a ball, these activities are part of everyday life, just like in any other daycare. However, at Katuma Daycare, children have the unique opportunity to explore different cultures and languages in a safe environment.
Children quickly engage in play and form friendships, even when they don’t share a common language. Naturally, they don’t discriminate based on skin color or hair. Playtime is enticing and captivating. Occasionally, frustration arises when a playmate doesn’t understand Finnish. In such cases, we collaboratively find ways to help them comprehend and learn more Finnish, says teacher Tuula Parkkinen.
Equality and non-discrimination, two of the four fundamental principles outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, guide every day at Katuma Daycare.
The daycare also takes into account various celebrations and holidays, including discussions with children about the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Parents role in daycare life is also very important. Their opinions and engagement are highly appreciated.
Full article in Finnish: Katumalla kohdataan kunnioittaen ja tutustutaan toisten kulttuureihin – Hämeenlinna (hameenlinna.fi)