In modern Finland, more and more people have roots that extend beyond the country’s borders. There are about 54,500 people over the age of 55 who speak foreign languages living in Finland, and this number is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. Have they found their place, what is their daily life like, and what do they dream of? Exhibition provides answers to these questions.
Aging includes lived life, memories, the present moment, and the future. Aging connects us all, but elderly people who have moved to Finland for different reasons and at different ages do not form a homogeneous group. They often remain invisible in Finnish society and outside of communal activities, even though they have lots of life experience and skills to share. One of the exhibition’s goals is to increase the visibility of elderly immigrants in Finland.
For some elderly people with foreign backgrounds, it is challenging to access services. Services should consider the needs of linguistic and cultural minorities better and ensure accessibility. The second goal of the exhibition is to rise public conversation about the structures that create inequality.
The exhibition was created in collaboration between visual artist Satu Juvonen and organizations working with multicultural elderly care. The participating organizations include Eläkeläiset ry, Suomen monikulttuurinen muistikeskus ry, Jade yhteisö ry, Pääkaupunkiseudun omaishoitajat ry, Monikko ry and Palvelutaloyhdistys Koskenrinne ry. These organizations promote the inclusion and well-being of elderly immigrants in Finland and provide group activities and personal counseling for the elderly.
The exhibition opening is on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 2:30 PM at the Hämeenlinna Main Library Gallery. Welcome to explore the exhibition! Address: Lukiokatu 2, 13100 Hämeenlinna. The exhibition is open during the library’s opening hours until February 21, 2025.